Olyview wash

Stop The Oral Dominos Effect Olyview Wash  Has A Germicidal , Analgesic & Anti-inflammatory effect. Olyview Wash  Fights Plaque Caries & Tooth decay. Olyview Wash  Effective In Gingivitis Management & Gingivitis Bleeding . Olyview Wash  Strengthen Tooth Enamel & Has Anti-Oxidant Effect. Olyview Wash  Alcohol Free , Sugar Free And Has Pleasant Taste. Cases & […]


As Highway Novel formula works as expectorant & mucolytic contains the highest concentration of acetylcysteine & Ivy Leaves per 10ml. Suitable for Adults & Children. Indications: – Wet Cough. -COPD -Chronic Bronchitis. Dose:  Children 10ml Twice Daily Adults 10ml 3 Times Daily Active Ingredients /10ml :  – Ivy Extract 60mg – Acetylcysteine 200mg – Zinc […]

L-Arginine 1000

The Most Potent Natural Vasodilator Supports Blood Flow and Vascular Functions. A Source of Conditional Amino Acid (L-Arginine). Supports Protein Synthesis. Indications & Cases: Poor Blood Circulation. Erectile Dysfunction. Muscles Building. Dose: (1-2 tablets) Daily

Royal Bee Tic

Unlock Your Mind  See The World! The Ultimate Formula to Solve Learning. Difficulties Issues. Enhances Cognitive Functions. Enriches Eye Health. Boost Immune Response Dose: -Children (1 year – 3 years) :2.5ml/day – Children (Preschool & School age) : 5ml/Day. -Adults: 10ml/Day. Active Ingredients /10ml :  Royal Jelly 150mg Vit C 60mg – Vit E 10mg […]

التهاب الحلق محتاج علاج مش ملطف .. الحل فى بروبوليس سي

مشكلة التهاب الحلق من المشاكل المتكررة فى حياتنا و خاصة فى فصل الشتاء ، و برغم اعتقادك للوهله الاولى من بساطته إلا انه التعامل معها وعلاجها ظل لفترات طويله فى عملية البحث عن علاج للقضاء على التهاب الحلق او ما يسمى  باحتقان الحلق . فى البداية دعونا نتعرف على اساس المشكلة او المسبب المرضي لالتهاب الحلق […]

Propolis C

Propolis C Most Effective Sore Throat Therapeutic Option, Not Just A Soother. Propolis C  Fights Naturally Against Respiratory Infections (Viral & Bacterial Infection). Propolis C  Lozenges In A Pharmaceutical Form. Propolis C  Suitable For All Age Groups With Multi Dosage Form. Propolis C  Sugar Free So Suitable For Diabetes . بروبوليس سي  العلاج الأول لالتهاب الحلق […]

Burner Gum

Burner Gum   Supports A Healthy Metabolism Program For Weight Loss Burner Gum   Has 200mg Of Green Tea Extract Burner Gum   Safe & Effective.   برنر  يدعم نظام الايض الصحى لتقليل الوزن بصورة سليمة برنر  يحتوى على 200مجم من خلاصة الشاي الاخضر برنر  آمن و فعال للفئات العمرية المختلفة Dose : 3 Times Daily Before The Meal. […]